Participatory Learning and Exchange Process for Local Human Rights Organizations, Myanmar September 2018
This was the theme of a one-week learning process in September in Yangon, the capital of Myanmar. On behalf of the German peacebuilding organization KURVE Wustrow e.V., with headquarters in Wendland, I led this highly participatory systemic analysis workshop. The target groups were various local human rights groups and partner organizations of KURVE Wustrow e.V. from all over Myanmar.
Understanding complexity …
The aim of the learning and exchange process has been to surface the complex political, economic and socio-cultural context of Myanmar – recognizing complexity, playing it back and helping to understand it (the main goal of a systemic approach).
… and learning how to reduce it
The first step involved to get to know the basic ideas and principles of a systemic approach. The second step showed how a systemic approach helps to better understand the complexity of the current socio-polizical context and to develop possible courses of action.
Learning process and exchange
The next year and the further political development in Myanmar will show how the contents and results of the workshop can be implemented in practice.
For more information about KURVE Wustrow e.V., see