core offers
Learn more about the comprehensive range of core services.
- Methods of participatory and creative process design and implementation
- Methods and Tools of Conflict Analysis / Systemic Conflict Analysis, Conflict Sensitivity / Do no Harm (DNH), Reflecting on Peace Practice (RPP), Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA) / Impact Analysis
- Trauma sensitivity / transgenerational trauma
- Strategy building in peacebuilding projects and programs
- Gender-sensitive conflict analysis & gender analysis
- Theories of conflict transformation
- Climate change in context of violent conflicts
- Mediation
- Storytelling
- Nonviolent Communication
Analysis, Planing & Strategic Design
- Actors analysis
- Project and program design in international development cooperation, urban development, local politics, human rights work and peacebuilding
- (Systemic) Conflict analyses
- Organizational strategy development
- Multi-stakeholder dialogue approaches
Mediation, Facilitation & Moderation
- Small and large group discussions, seminars, advanced trainings & workshops on issues of conflict transformation, participatory process design and implementation, trauma and loneliness.
- Public events on public, social and political issues
- Strategy workshops & organizational development processes
- Dialogue processes
Country, conflict and gender analyses
- Briefings & guidance notes on selected countries on conflict transformation and trauma
- Training modules on conflict sensitivity, conflict transformation, gender, trauma & peacebuilding
Dialogue & participation
- developing innovative approaches of inclusive and public participation in political decision-making processes (“citizens assemblies” and locally owned fora and roundtables)
- designing creative approaches to political decision-making such as embodied approaches and expressive arts.
Coaching & Supervision
- Transformative leadership
- Participatory process support
- Personalized further education and training in peacebuilding and conflict analysis
- Career planning in peacebuilding/conflict transformation
See also Core Change Coaching
Presentations, Public Lectures & Speeches
- Participatory process design
- Issues of international politics and feminist foreign and security policy
- International and regional discussions on “gender & peacebuilding” as UN Security Council Resolutions “Women, Peace and Security”
- Collective & transgenerational trauma
- Loneliness
Evaluations & Assessments
- Country Reports, Mid-term Reviews, Evaluations, Conflict Analysis and
Impact analysis - Training modules in the field of human rights, peacebuilding, mainstreaming of conflict sensitivity, trauma awareness and gender
- Projects and programs of development cooperation and peacebuilding
These topics are just a selection. Feel free to contact me, and we will discuss your specific needs & interests.