About core

Background & main expertise – some important background information about core.

It is me , Cordula Reimann, who set up core.
It is me , Cordula Reimann, who set up core.

It is me , Cordula Reimann, who set up core. I see myself as a dynamic, communicative professional who loves to use my humour in my work. I read and travel a lot, and have been living in Switzerland for 20 years. I see myself as a political activist in non-violent social change and as a feminist.


After working in various national and international non-governmental governmental institutions and research institutes, I founded the consulting and training institute core in 2011.

Participatory Process Design

Since the award of my doctorate in conflict and peace studies around 25 years ago, I have been working as a trainer, mediator, facilitator, adult educator, coach and consultant for various public institutions, Swiss and international development cooperation and peacebuilding organizations in crisis and conflict areas. For my work as a coach, see also Core Change Coaching.

Main expertise

My main competences are around participatory process and systems design, (systemic) conflict analysis, gender analysis, conflict sensitivity, trauma sensitivity, multi-stakeholder dialogue processes, strategy building, impact assessment and gender mainstreaming in project and program planning.

I find it exciting to accompany and create processes of social change – be it within and among NGOs, in official politics, in projects or programs”.

Cordula Reimann

Dr. Cordula Reimann

Portrait of Dr. Cordula Reimann

I am convinced that theoretically every conflict can be transformed and changed – the challenge remains to engage unconditionally, self-critically and openly with a complex problem and power constellations.

With a mover and shaker personality and a good sense of humor, I both enjoy and feel honoured to support and design group processes and personal transformation processes – enabling both small and larger scale change possible.”

Cordula Reimann

Portrait of Dr. Cordula Reimann

Seminars, Workshops & Trainings

Concrete work

I lead various seminars, workshops and trainings on participatory process design, conflict transformation, trauma and loneliness.

I am a visiting senior lecturer at various universities and research institutions (including the NADEL / ETH Zurich, OSCE Academy in Bishkek and visiting professor at the UN University of Peace, Costa Rica), advising national and international non-governmental and governmental organizations, and facilitating conflict and gender analyses, dialogue processes, strategy building and organizational development processes.

Country experiences

“I have gained practical experience, especially in South (East) Asia and the Middle East. I have conducted (action) research in peace and conflict studies and published on issues of gender-specific dimensions of conflict and conflict transformation, systemic approaches in conflict transformation and trauma work.

“The personal is political”.

Last but not least, working through my (post-war) family history, my biography, and my intensive study of violent conflicts, I am both personally and professionally deeply interested in the transgenerational transmissions of trauma.